vineri, 29 iulie 2016

Smartwatch sau ceasuri inteligente - de unde, cum, cat?

Ceasurile inteligente care pot inlocui cu usurinta un telefon mobil reprezinta unele dintre cele mai cautate gadgeturi la ora actuala. Spre deosebire de ceasurile traditionale care indica doar ora si eventual data, smartwatch-urile pot indeplini mult mai multe functii, la un pret rezonabil. In plus, un ceas clasic poate ajunge sa coste considerabil mai mult decat un smartwatch. Daca atunci cand au aparut pe piata erau vazute drept un gadget scump si nefolositor, ceasurile inteligente au castigat multi doritori odata cu numeroasele imbunatatiri aduse.
Vietile noastre aglomerate si dinamice pot fi usurate cu ajutorul unei astfel de tehnologii. In masina, la birou, pe strada sau in parc cand alergam, un smartwatch poate tine locul smartphone-ului, fiind atat un accesoriu modern, cat si un mini telefon. Pe parcursul intregii zile ne putem folosi de aceste ceasuri pentru a initia apeluri, citi mesaje, primi notificari sau pentru a ne masura ritmul cardiac si efortul fizic depus.
Daca v-ati hotarat ca doriti sa investiti intr-un astfel de ceas trebuie sa luati in considerare mai multe criterii, cel mai important fiind compatibilitatea acestuia cu telefonul pe care il aveti. Pe piata gasim modele de smartwatch-uri care pot fi compatibile cu toate smartphone-urile ce opereaza cu Android si iOS, insa exista si alte modele create numai pentru o anumita marca de telefoane sau tablete.
Pentru majoritatea persoanelor pretul joaca un rol important si decisiv, iar din acest motiv trebuie sa studiati bine ofertele. In principiu, majoritatea ceasurilor create de companii cu renume pornesc de la pretul de 300 lei, insa pot ajunge si la 2.500 lei. Daca nu va doriti sa achizitionati un ceas extrem de performant care sa fie rezistent la apa, sa aiba o baterie mai puternica sau care sa indeplineasca mai multe functii, exista si smartwatch-uri care provin de la producatori mai putini cunoscuti si au un pret mai accesibil.

duminică, 3 iulie 2016

How to use software to sell more

We are a small company that is doing IT consulting, is analyzing our clients businesses and then tries to find solutions of improving the margins, improving the work efficiency, improving all the necessary things that would make a company be more productive and create more value for the shareholders.

Also, a healty cash flow can be the key to success, and an external consultancy company is needed here in orted to present the info and te related procedures to the owners board withour issues, so basically this is also part of our job.

Now... one of our most interesting clients that we had in the last year - and I mean here 2015 - which in fact was a pretty good year for about everyone in our industry was a very old real estate company, a company that was doing real estate transactions for the company that was building condos and villas, and also a very big fish in this market.

What was really incredible consisted in the fact that this company did not had even an CRM, they were using the email addresses at a minimum, they were completely unaccustomed with technology and to be completely honest they were pretty awful at doing almost anything - besides selling.

So... after 3 months we were able to increase the profitability of this company by 300%, we implemented online marketing tools like Tour Wizard and now they are very happy with their extraordinary performance and also with their IT